Meat grinders have evolved since their inception in the 19th century. Originally, these devices were operated by a hand crank, but modern versions are powered by electricity. These grinders consist of a tube where the meat is pushed through and a blade that minces it. In this guide, we’ll go into more detail.
The Components of a Meat Grinder

A meat grinder is made up of several key components that play a key role in grinding meat. These include:
Hopper: This is the entry point where you load the meat into the grinder. It’s shaped like a funnel to guide the meat smoothly towards the feeding tube. It’s typically located on top of the grinder.
Feeding Tube: Attached to the hopper, this meat grinder attachment guides the meat to the grinding mechanism. It comes in different sizes to accommodate different volumes of meat.
Screw Conveyor (Auger): This is the core food grinder attachment that pushes the meat through the grinder. As you feed the meat into the tube, the auger catches it and pushes it towards the blade and grinding plate.
Blade: Positioned at the end of the auger, the blade rotates rapidly to cut the meat into small pieces. It works along with a grinding plate to ensure the meat is cut properly before it’s pushed out.
Grinding Plate: Located right behind the blade, this plate has holes that determine the size of the minced meat. The plates can be swapped out for ones with different hole sizes, depending on how fine or coarse you want your grind.
Motor: In electric grinders, the motor powers the auger and the blade. Typically, household grinders will have a 300 – 500-watt motor.
How Does a Meat Grinder Work?

Here’s a step-by-step breakdown of how to grind meat using a meat grinder:
Step 1: Prepare the Meat
Yes, the meat grinder will mince the meat for you but this doesn’t mean that you can just shove a big chunk of meat through the feeding tube. You need to prepare it well to get good quality ground meat that you can use for stuffing sausages or making burger patties.
To do this, start chopping meat. Trim off any excess fat and bones. Cut it into chunks or strips that fit easily into the feeding tube. It’s also a good idea to chill the meat for up to 30 minutes since colder meat tends to grind more cleanly and easily.
Step 2: Assemble the Grinder
Next, it’s time to assemble the grinder. Before you start, make sure everything is clean and the grinder is unplugged. Attach the blade and the meat grinding plate of your choice to the grinder. The size of your grind will depend on the plate—bigger holes (coarse grinding plate) mean a coarser grind, whereas smaller holes (fine grinder plate) mean a finer grind. Make sure the flat side of the blade faces outward, so it lines up right with the grinding plate. Before adding meat, turn on the grinder to make sure everything is working correctly. Listen for any unusual noises that might indicate a problem with the assembly.
Step 3: Feed the Meat
This is the fun part. Start feeding the meat into the hopper and gently push it down with the pusher. Do not force the meat into the feeder; let the auger pull it through to avoid jams.
As the freshly ground meat comes out, keep an eye on the texture. If the meat appears smeared or mushy, it might be too warm, or the blade may be dull. For a finer texture, grind the meat a second time. This time use the plate with smaller holes.
For smoother grinding, keep the grinder components (like the blade and the plate) for about 30 minutes before grinding. This prevents fat from smearing during grinding.
Always make sure your blade is sharp. A dull blade can tear the meat instead of cutting it.
Meat residue can harden quickly, making it difficult to clean. Disassemble and clean your grinder immediately after use.
What Type of Meat Should You Choose for Your Meat Grinder?
Typically, tougher cuts are ideal as they grind well. Beef chuck, pork shoulder (also known as pork butt), and lamb shoulder are great options. For poultry, go for thighs instead of breasts. If you’re interested in game meats, venison, and bison are good choices.
Now that you know how to grind your own meat using a meat grinder, go ahead and try it out. In no time, you’ll be making your own sausage and ground beef patties.
Looking to add a meat grinder to your kitchen? Check out Misterchef’s Meat Grinder. Whether you’re into sausage making or want to experiment with different meats, our grinder combines ease of use with professional-grade performance. Shop with us today.