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How to Chop a Spring Onion

How to Chop a Spring Onion

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Spring onion, green onions, or scallions are typically used as a garnish, for salad, or stir-fries. Both the white and green parts of spring onion are packed with flavor and can be used differently. If you’re not sure how to chop spring onion, here’s a guide to help you.


How to Cut Green Onions or Spring Onions

Cutting green onions is easy. Here’s what you’ll need:

  • Chef’s knife
  • Cutting board
  • Clean towel or paper towel
  • Bowl or plate to collect your chopped onions


Once you’ve got all your tools, follow this step-by-step guide to cut your spring onions:

Step 1: First you need to prepare green onions or spring onions for chopping. Rinse the onions under cold running water to remove any dirt or grit, especially between the layers near the bulb. Pat the onions dry with a clean kitchen towel or paper towel.

Step 2: Take a sharp knife and chop off the root end – the part with the little hairy strands. You don’t need this part. Then, trim any wilted or discolored tips from the green end.

Step 3: Depending on what your recipe calls for, you might want to separate the white part from the green stalks. The white part has a stronger onion flavor. The green stalks are milder and great for garnish.

Step 4: Place the white part on your cutting board. Hold it steady with one hand, and with your knife in the other, slice it into thin rounds from top to bottom. You can decide how thick or thin you want your slices, depending on the dish. Thinner slices work well for salads or garnishes. The thicker ones are perfect for cooking.

Step 5: For the green part, lay it flat on the cutting board and slice it just like you did with the white part. The green stalks are great for topping off soups, stir-fries, baked potatoes, and other cooked dishes. You can also slice them at an angle. If you need finer pieces, you can go back over the sliced green onions with a rocking motion of the knife to chop them even smaller. Gather them up in a pile and run your knife through a few more times.


How to Store Green Onions or Spring Onions?

Store cut green onions in an airtight container in the fridge. They’ll stay fresh for about 3 days. You can also wrap the whole uncut onion in a damp paper towel and place it in the crisper drawer.

If you have the entire bulbs and green part still intact, you can store the spring onions upright in a glass of water, like a bouquet. Place the root end in the water, and make sure the stems are standing up. Pop the whole thing in the fridge. Change the water every couple of days. Your spring onions can last for up to 3 weeks like this.


Are Green Onions, Scallions, and Spring Onions the Same?

Green onions and scallions are the same thing. They both have a long light green stalk with a small white bulb at the bottom. The flavor is mild. Spring onions, on the other hand, are a bit different. They’re larger and have a more developed bulb at the bottom. The flavor is a bit stronger too.



And that’s it! You’re all set to use your perfectly chopped green onions in your favorite dishes. It’s quick, easy, and makes a big difference in how your food turns out.

If you want to make chopping even easier, try the MisterChef Mini Chopper. It’s perfect for quickly chopping green onion and other veggies with minimal effort. Just a few quick pulses, and you’re done. Shop with us today.

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